What's New

Making progress
We hit a few snags getting started on the construction of the new greenhouse but it’s finally starting to come together. The foundation is finished and utilities will be connected this week. If everything goes according to plan (although things rarely do) the framework construction should begin July 8th. We are so excited about this opportunity and look forward to its completion.
Bouldering Park
The bouldering park is looking better than ever! The interns, with the help of tons of community volunteers, have cleaned up the bouldering pads, removed overgrowth on the boulders, and made way for climbing. Whether you are an experienced climber or just getting started, there are great options all over the park.
Pollinator Garden
The pollinator garden is in full bloom. Although this project is near and dear to our hearts it is also one of the most challenging. Regular weeding, watering, and pruning keep us busy year-round but every time we see butterflies, birds, and bees enjoying the flowers we are reminded of how important it is.
Teaching Garden
The plants in the teaching garden are coming up nicely. This year the interns and our Master gardener, Kathleen Robinson, have planted a variety of herbs, fruits, and veggies that will provide fresh food all summer. Growing your own food is so rewarding and it is such a pleasure to share this experience with our interns.
St. Elmo Trail Connection
The St. Elmo trail connector is complete so now anyone can hike or bike from the top of Lookout Mountain all the way to St. Elmo. LMC staff, interns, and community volunteers have worked tirelessly to make this happen. We hope this is something the whole community can and will enjoy.