Volunteer Opportunities
You can make a difference. Whether it’s a couple of hours, an afternoon, an evening, or an entire day. We know our volunteers have busy lives, and even a few hours of work on a Saturday afternoon can help keep our parks and trails maintained. Your time and talent are critical in helping us conserve special places, and connect kids and families to the outdoors.
Inspiring others
Lookout Mountain Conservancy is always looking for people to assist in a variety of ways to help inspire others to care about the Mountain—its history, nature, woods and water. We celebrate local food with our organic garden and use it to teach young people about the benefits of a healthy diet. We share stories about the Mountain's history at every public event. We are always open to new ideas for sharing our connection to the land through the arts, education and recreational activities.
Volunteering = community
Every year, our volunteer impact is critical to our work. Volunteering is a great way to have fun, get to know the Conservancy, meet new people and engage with your community.
Get in touch
Email Robyn Carlton or call 423-424-3882 with any questions or additional ideas you have for volunteer projects. We are looking for people of all ages and abilities who can help with the tasks below.
Volunteer and Emergency Manual and Waiver
Please read the Volunteer and Emergency Manual before volunteering with LMC. Please read over the waiver at the bottom of this form as well,we must have a signed waiver before you are able to volunteer.

Be a part of change
Whether you're helping in our office or on the trails, your support helps improve our region.
It takes a team... where do you fit in?

Volunteer Work Days
The trails and wildlife habitat on Lookout Mountain need tending.
This is an opportunity for your family and friends to work side-by-side with The Howard School Leadership Interns to work on trail restoration and help rid the Mountain of invasive vines and overgrowth.

Provide assistance with events
Help thank our partners, supporters and those involved in our programs.
Tasks might include registration check-in, organizing tables, or assisting with set-up and break-down on the day of an event. Some volunteers work for a few hours while others enjoy spending an entire day ensuring the event is a success. Either way, your involvement and leadership makes an event run smoothly, and the bonus? You'll have a lot of fun!

Working on trails or parks
John C. Wilson Park volunteers are needed to assist with park and trail maintenance during the spring, summer and fall months. Activities include weeding, landscaping and light trash removal. Trail work is great exercise and a fun way to make a difference. You can spend as little or as much time as you have.
Adopt-A-Spot at John C. Wilson Park or on the Guild/Hardy Trail
If you like the idea of taking a small plot of land and turning it into a beautiful space with plants that originated in our area (called native plants), consider Adopting-A-Spot at John C. Wilson Park or on the Guild/Hardy Trail. Adopting a section of trail is particularly good for people with strong observation skills, as you can be our eyes and ears on the trail. Plus, the hours you spend tending your spot are entirely flexible, and you’ll be providing a beautiful place for others to enjoy as well.

Host an informal gathering
Celebrate youth leadership, community conservation and connecting kids and young adults to the land at your house or business.
One of the best ways to inspire others is to host an informal get together to celebrate local conservation or to talk about our innovative, nationally recognized Intern and Leadership Program.
You provide the invite list and drinks and Conservancy staff will bring the slides, stories and snacks.
• These gatherings can be held on the weekend or during the week—whatever works best for you and your friends.
• We won’t ask for money at this event—it is simply designed to inspire and educate people about local conservation and our programs with area youth.
• We try to aim for four to six of these gatherings per year—your support will keep us on track.

Take photographs
Are you a photographer? Do you take photos you would be willing to share with us for our outreach and marketing?
Photos are a great way to share your work and help inspire others. This year we have a need for close-ups of wildlife, birds, animals, and plants within the Lookout Mountain region. Seasonal landscape photographs of views from the trails and Lookout Mountain overlooks, streams and woodlands are also welcome. We are also looking for photos of people in nature, at a park, in the garden, or generally having fun outside. For anyone under 18, we will need permission to use from a parent or guardian.
Note: Photos need to be high resolution (preferably at least 1600 x 1200 dpi or higher) and in a digital format.

Assist with mailings
Can you spend a couple of hours with Conservancy staff compiling mailings to our members and supporters?
Office help is a great way to learn more about our community programs, share stories and lend a hand.
We periodically need help with mailings and as the saying goes, many hands make light work. We would love to include you at the table.