Conserve Your Land
Conservation Options
Do you love your land? Maybe it’s been in your family for generations—or maybe it’s something you have just discovered and want to make sure it is never destroyed.
Regardless, conserving your land is a very personal decision that an increasing number of families and landowners want to do.
Some want to conserve their land for peace of mind, to create a family legacy, or to ensure that their farm or woodlands will be productive and a home for wildlife. For a lot of us, it’s the memories of hunting, fishing, climbing trees or eating fresh food grown on your land that is so special.
There are a number of options for you if you are interested in conserving your land.

Wildlife and the Mountain are important
“The mountain is a very special place for me and my family…part of what makes it special is we and others have an opportunity to play in the woods. This is a great place to live.”
– Chris Moore

Conserve Your Land and Retain Ownership
You can retain ownership of your land and conserve it using a tool called a conservation easement.

Donate Your Land
You can donate your land and potentially receive an income tax deduction from your charitable gift. The land could become...

Sell Your Land For Conservation
Sometimes funding is available to purchase land for conservation purposes. It might be to expand a park, establish a new trail or...

Where We Work
Lookout Mountain is a vast and beautiful place─ not only the Mountain itself but the valleys and streams it encompasses. Because our service area is so large, we have developed a series of focus areas within the mountain’s watershed to address land and water, recreational, and conservation initiatives. Five focus areas were identified
Tax Benefits of Conservation
- If you conserve your land, and continue to own it, you may reduce your federal income tax between 50% - 100% for up to 15 years.
- Often is beneficial for family and estate planning, including decreasing estate taxes.
- If you transfer the ownership of your land to Lookout Mountain Conservancy, you may receive the value of this gift as a charitable donation.