What's New

When we work together
The Interns and countless volunteers have been working feverishly on the bouldering park, doing their best to get it ready by climbing season this fall. They’ve worked together strategically to level out the landing zones, and carry in countless loads of fill to help protect the base of the boulders from erosion.
The bouldering project represents the ability of the Interns, youth from all over the country, and other local businesses and students to be able to accomplish something incredible when given the opportunity.
Great things happen in our community.
At the beginning of the summer, only 5 of the boulders had been “completed” and were ready for climbing. On this side of summer, there are another 17 that are nearing completion.
We have received nothing but excitement from the climbing community when they come out to the boulders or hear about the plan for the boulders all over the park.
Did you know this is one of the closest outdoor climbing areas to downtown Chattanooga?
Healthy risk-taking,
To help the Interns learn more about why people like to boulder, they had a chance to try it out this summer. Even though the Interns had seen people climb, this helped them “get it.”
Some decided they would be okay with never trying to boulder again while others can’t wait to get back on the boulders. Overall, you could tell that it helped give them confidence to explain the whole project on a different level.
To test limits positively.
These activities and projects are no little feat. All the opportunities that the Interns have stem from the goal of them being able to learn more about themselves, others around them, and become comfortable in the out of doors.
We believe that land can change lives. Land does not discriminate, it challenges all of us to be better. Your support of this program through spreading the word, volunteering, or donating make it possible for these students to take healthy risks.
Thank you for giving them that opportunity and helping the Land change lives.