The Slide
The Slide
Named for its peculiar use of supporting a waterslide that was standing on the property. After removing the waterslide from the boulder there was no other name to name her but The Slide at that point.

- English Ivy — V1: Start on the arête to pull around the left side, then climb up the face aiming for a nice hueco.
- Groovy — V4: Stand start on edges on the left side of the arête. Make moves right across crimps and pockets and topout same as The Groove.
- The Groove — V3: Start with an incut right hand crimp and left hand wherever in the groove. Work up the groove via cool, sculpted holds.
- The Groove Sit — V4: Same as The Groove, but sit start on lower right crimp and decent left sidepull.
- Project — V9: Square up on tiny sharp crimps and jump/dyno straight up to the hueco.
- Barishnikov Dyno — V7: Start on the Slide arête. Mantel Up, then ballet your feet to set up to the hueco.

5. Project — V9: Square up on tiny sharp crimps and jump/dyno straight up to the hueco.
6. Barishnikov Dyno — V7: Start on the Slide arête. Mantel Up, then ballet your feet to set up to the hueco.
7. The Slide — V3: Awesome. Pads on both sides of the arete!! Hp40-like grooving and footwork. straight up blunt prow with groove.
8. The Hole — V2: Climb face to hueco. Get sloping lip, kick a right foot way out right in another hole to start rolling over. Slap, stretch and get that right hand ledge, then summit.
9. The Fence — V0: Up nice patina edges and sidepulls to a little block-crack mantle. Fun.