The Face
The Face
Named for its large blank face on the front surface of the boulder.

- Ridge Traverse — V0: Start standing on left side. Traverse up and right to peak and top out.
- A-Frame — V1: Stand start on double sidepulls with smear foot. Establish, and make move straight up to top.
- Good Luck — V4: Just left of A-frame. Stand start on two crimps. Find foot and make big move to top.
- Kreaftwerk — V4: Start hands in crimp sidepull/gastons. Very tricky feet get you tobetter holds and the top.
- Balance Act — V6: Stand start just left of Tailored for you. Hands on low under cling. Find low foot and move straight up to thin crimps and make moves to top. (Slide the pads away from the wall to establish the low foot).

5. Balance Act — V6: Stand start just left of Tailored for you. Hands on low under cling. Find low foot and move straight up to thin crimps and make moves to top. (Slide the pads away from the wall to establish the low foot).
6. Tailored for you –— V3: Barndoor lean your way up foot smears and open hands along the arete (arete forms the left edge of Gilly Gully corner).
7. Gilly Gully –— V0: Climb the fun corner feature that trends slightly left.
8. In the Crowd — V1: Climb the next corner feature over, then goes up and left.
9. Round the world — V1: Start as for In the Crowd. Climb to shy of the lip, then traverse along line of edges to left lip and step off at Ridge Traverse.