Siri (meaning "hidden" in Swahili). Good quality, good height and nice variety, the Siri boulder offers something for everyone. Formerly hidden under vines.

- Clever Knee — V1: Start hands in sidepull pods. Climb up to obvious big ear and top out.
- Clever Knee Low — V4: Sit start. Left hand in big scoop sidepull, right hand in slopey pocket.Bust a tough move to finish up CK.
- Red Devil — V3: Quality. Ever heard of a barndoor? Up the middle layback/sidepull features from a sit start. Climb straight up to sculpted top out holds.
- Project — V9: Sit start with crack-sidepulls (same as DLS). Climb up and left to finish as for Revealed Stand.

5. Big Reveal — V5: Start left gastoned in sidepull-crimp that's about 5' off ground; right hand wherever you can reach that's good in the crack feature. Pull on and bust a move up and slightly left to top out obvious scoop-fin thing.
6. Big Reveal Sit Project — V9: Sit start with crack-sidepulls (same as DLS). Climb up and left to finish as for Revealed Stand.
7. Dorsal Loaf — V4: Tons of fun on cool holds. Start matched on two crimps close together. Pop up to a good, rounded jug. Tricky moves get you to the top out loaf.
8. Dorsal Loaf Sit — V6: Sit start with crack-sidepulls (Same as BRS). Bust a tough move to get to start holds of DL Stand. Finish up DL.