Luna: meaning "moon" in Spanish. An overhanging trailside bulge with straight up lines, and a traverse.

- Finish Line — V1: Fun pulls from sandy jugs and a heel hook.
- Muzzle Loader — V1: Five feet right of FL, crank from jugs up pebbly groove.
- Moon Beam Left — V5: Start on obvious low crimps. Grab hueco, then get left pistol grip sidepull. Set up for a big move up and over the bulge to a slope jug.
- Full Moon — V3: Start in large obvious hueco and make moves up and right to top same as Moon Beam.
- Moon Beam Right — V4: Same start as MBSL. From heuco, move rightish through a lip sloper and up the groove.
- Half Moon — V5: Start on low finger pockets and finish same as Full moon/Moon Beam Right.
- Craters — V0: Straight up hueco crack-groove about ten feet left of tree.
- Moon Walk — V3: A R to L traverse that's about half of the Luna Tunes. Same start as LT, but exit up and left earlier, along the sloping finish jugs of Moon Beam Right.
- Luna Tunes — V5: A R to L traverse. Start on jug just left of tree that's on the boulder's far right side, next to stone work. Make funky slabo-hueco moves left. Drop in along slopey lip holds. Get to the pistol grip and bust through to sandy jugs. Keep riding to finish up FL.