Cliff Hanger
Cliff Hanger
The big house-sized boulder with lots of problems almost all the way around. Spotters and Pads please!!

- Warm Up Muffins — V0: Climb fun scoops and slopes up face left of big pine tree.
- Graffiti Eyeball — V3: A slopey match start, then quick pop up to good holds, to either finish left for more juggin, or right to some cool wide reaches.

3. Underclick — V2: Reach up high for jug start. Reach jugs then get the sweet right undercling. Set your feet and reach to a nice left pinch up high.
4. The Hidden — V1: Great moves and holds right up face. Start on some nice jugs about 5' off the ground and climb straight up. The holds are good! Top out by moving right.
5. Pump Track — V0: Start hands on a low shelf, crouched up. Climb through edges, then move left to finish as for Fish Mouth.
6. Fish Mouth — V2: This one is roughly the blunt northeast arete of the boulder. Start on twin sidepull jugs. Make a big move, or work out smaller holds to gain jugs. Work feet to set up another reach to a fish mouth shaped hold and mantle over. Finish through a crack to top.
7. Hammerhead — V3: Cool problem with funky holds starting on prominent hammerhead hourglass feature. Sit start on twin sidepulls. Crank undercling move to big sidepulls. Fiddle through rounded meathooksand techy undercling top out. Clean the top before summiting. Pads.

6. Fish Mouth — V2: This one is roughly the blunt northeast arete of the boulder. Start on twin sidepull jugs. Make a big move, or work out smaller holds to gain jugs. Work feet to set up another reach to a fish mouth shaped hold and mantle over. Finish through a crack to top.
7. Hammerhead — V3: Cool problem with funky holds starting on prominent hammerhead hourglass feature. Sit start on twin sidepulls. Crank undercling move to big sidepulls. Fiddle through rounded meathooksand techy undercling top out. Clean the top before summiting. Pads.
8. Chip & Lindsay’s Adventure — V2: Stand start on big jug. Bust up through very incut features to big sidepull feature—kinda a right-facing mini corner. Honk the big jughorn then move right to top out on great holds.
9. Bailey’s From A Shoe — V7: Nice potential for a gut buster. Sit start off this very sloping shelf.
10. Yo Bro Adventures — V3: Stand start on obvious jug-hueco. Bust move up and right to nice rib-jug. Up left to another jug-hueco. Keep it together for the tricky topout (go up there and clean it first). Pads!!
11. Project — V10: This one involves a bad pinch. Start standing from undercling and pinch. Or start as for Old Greg. Or heck, start even lower to make it harder! However you get there, power into the undercling and pinch at about ~6' height, then bust a move straight up to a jug. Finish over the top.
12. Old Greg — V5: Start matched in crimpy, crozzly undercling. Do set up moves then a big move for sloper. Big moves and jugs slightly right take you over a pretty friendly top out—the holds are there. Pads!!

13. Chief Wauhatchie Right — V4: Start up CW, but at jugs at 8', reset your left into an undercling sidepull and do big move out right to a sloper-ramp. Move right and up past tricky moves to top jugs. Pads!!!
14. Chief Wauhatchie Left — V5: Sit start same as CW, but bust up and left across slopey holds to finish up Shark Mouth. Cool moves.
15. Shark Mouth — V3: Stand start on lumpy jugs. Left into big undercling, then go get the "shark mouth". Match and bust big move to jug. Finish up jugs straight over. Pads!!
16. Cliffhanger — V1: Stand start on left side, on lumpy jugs. Fun moves up and slightly left to top out through a groove. Pads!!
17. Le Patio — V1: Furthest left before you'd hit the old stone wall. Sit/low start on pebbly holds and climb straight up. Finish through groove of Cliff hanger to top.