Buena Vista
Buena Vista
A lovely boulder with a few lovely views.

- What a View — V5: Start with left and right hands in obvious underclings. Grab a patina crimp, and go for the jug. Top out up and slightly left. Like a gym problem, but the mantle could get you.
- Hasta La Vista — V6/V7: Start on undercling and make hard moves left across sharp pockets and crimps. Find the good sloper just above the break on the arête and climb up the slab.
- Angle Fangle — V4: Stand start with two high crimps about a foot apart (7’ up). Bust up and left to pocket, then big jug and top.
- Angle Fangle Low — V7: Start on pebbly undercling left and big slopey undercling right. Make big move to crimps and finish same as the original.

5. Vista Crack — V0: Climb obvious crack right of arete. Trend left (in front of tree) to top out through features hidden in the moss. Spotters and Pads!!!
6. Cut and Chopped — V4: Start squeezing two wide sidepulls. Climb up and over bulge using sidepulls and edges.
7. Look Ma’ I’m Dave Graham — V6: Sit start left on wide invert sidepull, right in obvious pocket-pinch. Make big move left to crimps to pull over the bulge.