Out of this world boulder that came from space for you earthlings to climb. An inviting boulder with striking round pockets and huecos.

- Hero — V0: Start on far left shelf and climb straight up to top.
- Traversaroids — V4: Start far left on obvious shelf. Climb right across pockets to top out on far right side.
- One hit Wonder — V1: Left side, start matched in a large pocket/dish at chest height. Climb up and slightly right to top groove.

2. Traversaroids — V4: Start far left on obvious shelf. Climb right across pockets to top out on far right side.
3. One hit Wonder — V1: Left side, start matched in a large pocket/dish at chest height. Climb up and slightly right to top groove.
4. Nose Job — V1: Start in middle, hands in good scoops. Climb straight up.
5. Space rocks — V3: Start same as NJ, but just right, then up over edges.
6. Can you dig it — V5: Sit start low, with right hand in undercling, and left squeezing on the lip-sloper. Climb up scoops and finish up Space Rocks.
7. Asteroids — V6: Sit start low on double underclings and make big move up to scoops and finish up space rocks.