Benefits of Conservation
Why do people conserve their land?
Families from all walks of life have conserved their land in the Lookout Mountain Region. While each family has different reasons for doing so, in all cases the land is conserved on a voluntary basis.
For families who choose to conserve their land and want to continue ownership, we use a voluntary conservation agreement called a conservation easement.
This allows the conservation plan to remain in place when the land is sold, given away, or bequeathed via a will or planned gift to another individual or family. These agreements are flexible and tailored specifically for each family or landowner.
The land remains on the tax rolls unless it is given or sold to a municipality or nonprofit conservation organization.

Wildlife and the Mountain are important
“The mountain is a very special place for me and my family…part of what makes it special is we and others have an opportunity to play in the woods. This is a great place to live.”
– Chris Moore

Regional & National Land Trust Work

Local Policy & Outreach

Health Benefits of Nature
Get outside and taste the land's bounty.

A balanced community
When land is conserved, it ensures that there will be a balance between intensive and sprawling development with wide open countryside and the hills and valleys that make this area so special. Thanks to their leadership, Lookout Mountain, and the lands and waters they support and are home to so many people, will remain the special place it is today.
Next Steps
Explore conserving your land
To figure out if conservation may be right for you, review your conservation options.
Or, if you would like to brainstorm about land conservation, please give Robyn Carlton a call at 423-424-3882 or email her at
All conversations are confidential to respect your and/or your family's decisions.