The Mountain
The Mountain
An inviting boulder with a long row of problems. On the downhill side of the road.

- It’s Starting to Burn — V6: Sit start low and make moves left using big obvious sidepull to sloper. Hit the good hold on the arête and top up the arête.
- Is that Poison Ivy — V4: Sit start and make big move to good crimp and mantle top.

3. Roll Deep — V0: Start above small pedestal rock (pad!). Climb cool sculpted holds straight up.
4. Gramiccis — V2: Start chest high pockets, then slap straight up.
5. Face It — V2: Start on crimps and climb straight up to mantle top.
6. On the Spot — V2: Sidepull/undercling start, pop to nice edge, then top out.
7. Coming Up — V2: Double undercling start. Make moves up to top.
8. Don’t Be vain — V1: Start on two small holds low, the pop to iron vein. Move a bit left then top out.
12. Yellow Jacket Traverse Low — V8: Stand start on Dun Buggy’s large under cling scoops and traverse left to Don’t be vein. Drop low at don’t be vein and traverse using the lower face hold below the large upper crease and top same as the high traverse.
13. Dune Buggy — V0: Side pull scoop start. Climb straight up.

9. Do What? — V0: Mantle up and top out
10. Do what? Sit — V1: Undercling sidepulls to start. Mantle up and out.
11. Yellow Jacket Traverse High — V5: Stand start on Dun Buggy’s large under cling scoops and traverse left using the face holds until you reach the Gramiccis on the far left of the face and top out.
12. Yellow Jacket Traverse Low — V8: Stand start on Dun Buggy’s large under cling scoops and traverse left to Don’t be vein. Drop low at don’t be vein and traverse using the lower face hold below the large upper crease and top same as the high traverse.
13. Dune Buggy — V0: Side pull scoop start. Climb straight up.
14. William — V0: Far right side. Start at hole, climb up.